Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ways To Make Money Online: Passive income 101

The video above is from howtobecomeaprofessor.com. The video explains that the difference between passive and traditional mode of income is passive income does not obligate you to allocate your time for money. In the video, the experience of certified fitness trainers Brad and George are shown to further explain the difference between passive and traditional mode of income.

In the video, Brad is the one who is using the traditional mode of income where he creates a personal appointment with his clients. Brad only earns money once he gets an appointment. George on the other hand has passive income where he has created a website that sells fitness products. He is getting clients all over the globe and is earning 24/7. To do this, George first needed to exert effort in marketing his products online. Once he has done the marketing correctly, he is able to earn passive income in a considerable amount of time.

The video explains that to achieve a passive mode of income, you need to work. Although it can be difficult, the rewards are great once you have done it correctly. You need to build something valuable and you need to find a way to introduce your products to your potential clients.

Learn how you can make money fast by going to Big Money Vault

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