Monday, June 10, 2013

Cyclical Stocks- Be greedy when others are fearful

The video above is brought to you by Jake W of Jake W has been investing since 2006. He got interested in Cyclical stocks after reading about Peter lynch and his work at  Fidelity Investments as well as his book on cyclical and rebounds. 

He explains that by looking into the autos, he had seen some improvements on cynical stocks that the market of late did not have. He looked into Ford yet had not made any investment. Ford went up 20x. After realizing it was a great opportunity wasted, he promised not to miss another cynical rebound. 

He recalls that after this incident and a new mindset, he had a lot in Tesco. Although the growth was slow, he held on to a lot of stocks of Tesco for a long time. He explains:

"Then I spotted an opportunity. I sold Tesco stocks in 2011/2012 and bought housebuilders stocks. They were selling at less than or close to their NAV( net asset value) cost, which was a) ridiculous b) property prices were depressed at the time, so it was even more strange." 

If you wish to learn more ways to earn money online, Go to Big Money Vault or Click the banner below to watch the video:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I would love for you to cover some of my other videos, which have some very useful tips in the them,

    'When not to sell a stock' is a good video I did recently..

    Hope this makes the grade too!


    Jake W
